3380 producten gevonden, 1 tot 100 weergegeven
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RV-800 | Rudolph Étude violin Stradivari model

violin Stradivari model, oil varnish with antique finish, european maple, ebony fittings

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RV-10/O | Rudolph Étude violin outfit

violin outfit, oil varnish slightly shaded, flamed maple, case, BV-10/xx ELS bow incl.

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RV-15 | Rudolph Conservatoire violin

violin, antique style oil varnish, flamed maple, ebony fittings

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RV-2044 | Rudolph Conservatoire viool 4/4

viool 4/4, olielak met een donkerbruin antique afwerking, licht gevlamd


RV-3044 | Rudolph Conservatoire violin 4/4

violin 4/4, well flamed, oil varnish with light antique finish


RV-5044-GU | Rudolph Conservatoire violin 4/4

violin 4/4, very well flamed, oil varnish with antique finish, Guarneri de Gesú model


RV-5044-ST | Rudolph Conservatoire violin 4/4

violin 4/4, very well flamed, oil varnish with antique finish, Stradivari model


LV-10 | Leonardo Elementary series violin outfit with laminated woods

violin outfit with laminated woods, nitro varnish, blackened hardwood fittings, finetuner tailpiece, including case & bow. Available from size 4/4 to 1/16

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LV-15 | Leonardo Elementary series violin outfit with all solid woods

violin outfit with all solid woods, nitro varnish, blackened hardwood fittings, finetuner tailpiece including case & bow. Avalable from size 4/4 to 1/8

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LV-16 | Leonardo Elementary series violin outfit with all solid woods and ebony fittings

violin outfit with all solid woods and ebony fittings, nitro varnish, finetuner tailpiece, including case & bow. Avalible from size 4/4 to 1/32

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LV-18 | Leonardo Elementary series violin outfit with all solid woods and ebony fitting

violin outfit with all solid woods and ebony fitting, nitro matt antique style varnish, including oblong case & bow. Available from size 4/4 to 1/4

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LV-20 | Leonardo Student series violin outfit with all solid European woods and flamed maple

violin outfit with all solid European woods and flamed maple, ebony fittings, including oblong case & bow. Available from size 4/4 to 1/16

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LV-50 | Leonardo Maestro series violin outfit with all solid woods and well flamed maple

violin outfit with all solid woods and well flamed maple, antique varnish, ebony fittings, including bow & luxe oblong case, available from size 4/4 to 1/2

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RA-10/O | Rudolph viola outfit

viola outfit, slightly shaded oil varnish, flamed maple, case, BA-10/xx ELS bow

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LVA-20 | Leonardo Student series viola outfit

viola outfit, all solid, flamed, ebony fittings, finetuner tailpiece, case, bow

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LC-10 | Leonardo Elementary series cello outfit

cello outfit, laminated, nitro varnish, blackened hardwood fittings, bag and bow

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LC-13 | Leonardo Elementary series cello outfit

cello outfit, laminated with flamed back & sides, ebony fittings, bag and bow

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LC-20 | Leonardo Elementary series cello outfit

cello outfit, all solid, nitro varnish, ebony fittings, bag and bow

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LC-27 | Leonardo Student series cello outfit

cello outfit, all solid, mat nitro varnish, well flamed, ebony fittings, bag and bow

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RC-10 | Rudolph Elementary cello

cello, all solid, oil varnish, ebony fittings, flamed

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RC-15 | Rudolph Étude cello

cello, all solid, oil varnish with light brow antique finish, european wood

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RC-2044-A | Rudolph Conservatoire cello 4/4

cello 4/4, all solid, oil varnish with dark brown antique finish, flamed


RC-2044 | Rudolph Conservatoire cello 4/4

cello 4/4, all solid, oil varnish with amber brown finish, flamed


RC-2044-EU | Rudolph Conservatoire cello 4/4

cello 4/4, all solid, oil varnish with light brown finish, European woods


RC-2078 | Rudolph Conservatoire cello 7/8

cello 7/8, all solid, oil varnish with amber brown finish, flamed


MB-xx-PY | Schneider double bass

double bass, plywood, nitro varnish, maple fingerboard, bag and bow

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RB-200 | Rudolph double bass laminated wood

double bass laminated wood, spirit varnish, ebony fingerboard, gamba model

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RB-234-V | Rudolph contrabas 3/4

contrabas 3/4, triplex, spiritus lak, ebben toets, viool model


RB-6 | Rudolph double bass

double bass, solid top, spirit varnish, ebony fingerboard, gamba model

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RV-844 | Rudolph Étude violin 4/4 Stradivari model 4/4

violin 4/4 Stradivari model, oil varnish with antique finish, european maple, ebony fittings


RV-834 | Rudolph Étude violin 3/4 Stradivari model 3/4

violin 3/4 Stradivari model, oil varnish with antique finish, european maple, ebony fittings


RV-812 | Rudolph Étude violin 1/2 Stradivari model 1/2

violin 1/2 Stradivari model, oil varnish with antique finish, european maple, ebony fittings


RV-814 | Rudolph Étude violin 1/4 Stradivari model 1/4

violin 1/4 Stradivari model, oil varnish with antique finish, european maple, ebony fittings


RV-1044/O | Rudolph Étude violin outfit 4/4 4/4

violin outfit 4/4, oil varnish slightly shaded, flamed maple, case, BV-10/44 ELS bow incl.


RV-1034/O | Rudolph Étude violin outfit 3/4 3/4

violin outfit 3/4, oil varnish slightly shaded, flamed maple, case, BV-10/34 ELS bow incl.


RV-1012/O | Rudolph Étude violin outfit 1/2 1/2

violin outfit 1/2, oil varnish slightly shaded, flamed maple, case, BV-10/12 ELS bow incl.


RV-1014/O | Rudolph Étude violin outfit 1/4 1/4

violin outfit 1/4, oil varnish slightly shaded, flamed maple, case, BV-10/14 ELS bow incl.


RV-1018/O | Rudolph Étude violin outfit 1/8 1/8

violin outfit 1/8, oil varnish slightly shaded, flamed maple, case, BV-10/18 ELS bow incl.


RV-1544 | Rudolph Conservatoire viool 4/4 4/4

viool 4/4, gevlamd esdoorn, gapatineerde olie lak, ebben toebehoren


RV-1534 | Rudolph Conservatoire viool 3/4 3/4

viool 3/4, gevlamd esdoorn, gapatineerde olie lak, ebben toebehoren


RV-1512 | Rudolph Conservatoire viool 1/2 1/2

viool 1/2, gevlamd esdoorn, gapatineerde olie lak, ebben toebehoren


LV-1044 | Leonardo Elementary series viool set 4/4 violin outfit in size 4/4

viool set 4/4, gelamineerd, hardhout fittings, incl. fijnstemmer staartstuk, strijkstok en koffer


LV-1034 | Leonardo Elementary series viool set 3/4 violin outfit in size 3/4

viool set 3/4, gelamineerd, hardhout fittings, incl. fijnstemmer staartstuk, strijkstok en koffer


LV-1012 | Leonardo Elementary series viool set 1/2 violin outfit in size 1/2

viool set 1/2, gelamineerd, hardhout fittings, incl. fijnstemmer staartstuk, strijkstok en koffer


LV-1014 | Leonardo Elementary series viool set 1/4 violin outfit in size 1/4

viool set 1/4, gelamineerd, hardhout fittings, incl. fijnstemmer staartstuk, strijkstok en koffer


LV-1018 | Leonardo Elementary series viool set 1/8 violin outfit in size 1/8

viool set 1/8, gelamineerd, hardhout fittings, incl. fijnstemmer staartstuk, strijkstok en koffer


LV-1016 | Leonardo Elementary series viool set 1/16 violin outfit in size 1/16

viool set 1/16, gelamineerd, hardhout fittings, incl. fijnstemmer staartstuk, strijkstok en koffer


LV-1544 | Leonardo Elementary series viool set 4/4 violin outfit in size 4/4

viool set 4/4, massief, hardhout fittings, incl. fijnstemmer staartstuk, strijkstok en koffer


LV-1534 | Leonardo Elementary series viool set 3/4 violin outfit in size 3/4

viool set 3/4, massief, hardhout fittings, incl. fijnstemmer staartstuk, strijkstok en koffer


LV-1512 | Leonardo Elementary series viool set 1/2 violin outfit in size 1/2

viool set 1/2, massief, hardhout fittings, incl. fijnstemmer staartstuk, strijkstok en koffer


LV-1514 | Leonardo Elementary series viool set 1/4 violin outfit in size 1/4

viool set 1/4, massief, hardhout fittings, incl. fijnstemmer staartstuk, strijkstok en koffer


LV-1518 | Leonardo Elementary series viool set 1/8 violin outfit in size 1/8

viool set 1/8, massief, hardhout fittings, incl. fijnstemmer staartstuk, strijkstok en koffer


LV-1644 | Leonardo Elementary series viool set 4/4 violin outfit in size 4/4

viool set 4/4, massief, ebbenhouten fittings, incl. fijnstemmer staartstuk, strijkstok en koffer


LV-1634 | Leonardo Elementary series viool set 3/4 violin outfit in size 3/4

viool set 3/4, massief, ebbenhouten fittings, incl. fijnstemmer staartstuk, strijkstok en koffer


LV-1612 | Leonardo Elementary series viool set 1/2 violin outfit in size 1/2

viool set 1/2, massief, ebbenhouten fittings, incl. fijnstemmer staartstuk, strijkstok en koffer


LV-1614 | Leonardo Elementary series viool set 1/4 violin outfit in size 1/4

viool set 1/4, massief, ebbenhouten fittings, incl. fijnstemmer staartstuk, strijkstok en koffer


LV-1618 | Leonardo Elementary series viool set 1/8 violin outfit in size 1/8

viool set 1/8, massief, ebbenhouten fittings, incl. fijnstemmer staartstuk, strijkstok en koffer


LV-1616 | Leonardo Elementary series viool set 1/16 violin outfit in size 1/16

viool set 1/16, massief, ebbenhouten fittings, incl. fijnstemmer staartstuk, strijkstok en koffer


LV-1632 | Leonardo Elementary series viool set 1/32 violin outfit in size 1/32

viool set 1/32, massief,ebbenhouten fittings, incl. fijnstemmer staartstuk, strijkstok en koffer


LV-1844 | Leonardo Elementary series violin outfit 4/4 violin outfit size 4/4

violin outfit 4/4, all solid, flamed maple back and sides, matt antique varnish, ebony fitting


LV-1834 | Leonardo Elementary series violin outfit 3/4 violin outfit size 3/4

violin outfit 3/4, all solid, flamed maple back and sides, matt antique varnish, ebony fitting


LV-1812 | Leonardo Elementary series violin outfit 1/2 violin outfit size 1/2

violin outfit 1/2, all solid, flamed maple back and sides, matt antique varnish, ebony fitting


LV-1814 | Leonardo Elementary series violin outfit 1/4 violin outfit size 1/4

violin outfit 1/4, all solid, flamed maple back and sides, matt antique varnish, ebony fitting


LV-2044 | Leonardo Student series viool set 4/4 violin outfit size 4/4

viool set 4/4, massief, ebbenhouten fittings, Europees gevlamd esdoorn, incl. koffer en strijkstok


LV-2034 | Leonardo Student series viool set 3/4 violin outfit size 3/4

viool set 3/4, massief, ebbenhouten fittings, Europees gevlamd esdoorn, incl. koffer en strijkstok


LV-2012 | Leonardo Student series viool set 1/2 violin outfit size 1/2

viool set 1/2, massief, ebbenhouten fittings, Europees gevlamd esdoorn, incl. koffer en strijkstok


LV-2014 | Leonardo Student series viool set 1/4 violin outfit size 1/4

viool set 1/4, massief, ebbenhouten fittings, Europees gevlamd esdoorn, incl. koffer en strijkstok


LV-2018 | Leonardo Student series viool set 1/8 violin outfit size 1/8

viool set 1/8, massief, ebbenhouten fittings, Europees gevlamd esdoorn, incl. koffer en strijkstok


LV-2016 | Leonardo Student series viool set 1/16 violin outfit size 1/16

viool set 1/16, massief, ebbenhouten fittings, Europees gevlamd esdoorn, incl. koffer en strijkstok


LV-5044 | Leonardo Maestro series viool set 4/4 violin outfit size 4/4

viool set 4/4, massief, ebbenhouten fittings, zeer gevlamd esdoorn, incl. luxe koffer en strijksto


LV-5034 | Leonardo Maestro series viool set 3/4 violin outfit size 3/4

viool set 3/4, massief, ebbenhouten fittings, zeer gevlamd esdoorn, incl. luxe koffer en strijksto


LV-5012 | Leonardo Maestro series viool set 1/2 violin outfit size 1/2

viool set 1/2, massief, ebbenhouten fittings, zeer gevlamd esdoorn, incl. luxe koffer en strijksto


RA-10165/O | Rudolph viola outfit 16,5" (42cm)

viola outfit, 16,5" (42cm), slightly shaded oil varnish, flamed maple, case, BA-10/44 ELS bow


RA-10160/O | Rudolph viola outfit 16" (40,5cm)

viola outfit, 16" (40,5cm), slightly shaded oil varnish, flamed maple, case, BA-10/44 ELS bow


RA-10155/O | Rudolph viola outfit 15,5" (39,5cm)

viola outfit, 15,5" (39,5cm), slightly shaded oil varnish, flamed maple, case, BA-10/44 ELS bow


RA-10150/O | Rudolph viola outfit 15" (38cm)

viola outfit, 15" (38cm), slightly shaded oil varnish, flamed maple, case, BA-10/44 ELS bow


RA-10140/O | Rudolph 7/8 viola outfit 14" (35,5cm)

7/8 viola outfit, 14" (35,5cm), slightly shaded oil varnish, flamed maple, case, BA-10/34 ELS bow


RA-10130/O | Rudolph 3/4 viola outfit 13" (33cm)

3/4 viola outfit, 13" (33cm), slightly shaded oil varnish, flamed maple, case, BA-10/34 ELS bow


RA-10120/O | Rudolph 1/2 viola outfit 12" (30,5cm)

1/2 viola outfit, 12" (30,5cm), slightly shaded oil varnish, flamed maple, case, BA-10/12 ELS bow


RA-10110/O | Rudolph 1/4 viola outfit 11" (28cm)

1/4 viola outfit, 11" (28cm), slightly shaded oil varnish, flamed maple, case, BA-10/14 ELS bow


LVA-20165 | Leonardo Student series altviool set 16.5" (42.5cm) 16.5" (42.5cm)

altviool set 16.5" (42.5cm), geheel massief, gevlamd, ebben toebehoren, incl, koffer en strijkstok


LVA-20160 | Leonardo Student series altviool set 16.0" (40.5cm)

altviool set, 16.0" (40.5cm), geheel massief, gevlamd, ebben toebehoren, incl, koffer en strijkstok


LVA-20155 | Leonardo Student series altviool set 15.5" (39.5cm) 15.5" (39.5cm)

altviool set 15.5" (39.5cm), geheel massief, gevlamd, ebben toebehoren, incl, koffer en strijkstok


LVA-20150 | Leonardo Student series altviool set 15.0" (38.0cm) 15,0" (38,0cm)

altviool set 15.0" (38.0cm), geheel massief, gevlamd, ebben toebehoren, incl, koffer en strijkstok


LVA-20140 | Leonardo Student series altviool set 14.0" (35.5cm) 14.0" (35.5cm)

altviool set 14.0" (35.5cm), geheel massief, gevlamd, ebben toebehoren, incl, koffer en strijkstok


LVA-20130 | Leonardo Student series altviool set 13.0" (33.0cm) 13.0" (33.0cm)

altviool set 13.0" (33.0cm), geheel massief, gevlamd, ebben toebehoren, incl, koffer en strijkstok


LVA-20120 | Leonardo Student series altviool set 12.0" (30.5cm) 12.0" (30.5cm)

altviool set 12.0" (30.5cm), geheel massief, gevlamd, ebben toebehoren, incl, koffer en strijkstok


LVA-20110 | Leonardo Student series altviool set 11.0" (28.0cm) 11.0" (28cm)

altviool set 11.0" (28.0cm), geheel massief, gevlamd, ebben toebehoren, incl, koffer en strijkstok


LC-1044 | Leonardo Elementary series cello 4/4 4/4

cello 4/4, gelamineerde body, nitro, hardhout toets en stemsleutels, inclusief tas en strijkstok


LC-1034 | Leonardo Elementary series cello 3/4 3/4

cello 3/4, gelamineerde body, nitro, hardhout toets en stemsleutels, inclusief tas en strijkstok


LC-1012 | Leonardo Elementary series cello 1/2 1/2

cello 1/2, gelamineerde body, nitro, hardhout toets en stemsleutels, inclusief tas en strijkstok


LC-1014 | Leonardo Elementary series cello 1/4 1/4

cello 1/4, gelamineerde body, nitro, hardhout toets en stemsleutels, inclusief tas en strijkstok


LC-1018 | Leonardo Elementary series cello 1/8 1/8

cello 1/8, gelamineerde body, nitro, hardhout toets en stemsleutels, inclusief tas en strijkstok


LC-1344 | Leonardo Elementary series cello outfit 4/4 4/4

cello outfit 4/4, laminated with flamed back & sides, ebony fittings, bag and bow


LC-1334 | Leonardo Elementary series cello outfit 3/4 3/4

cello outfit 3/4, laminated with flamed back & sides, ebony fittings, bag and bow


LC-1312 | Leonardo Elementary series cello outfit 1/2 1/2

cello outfit 1/2, laminated with flamed back & sides, ebony fittings, bag and bow


LC-1314 | Leonardo Elementary series cello outfit 1/4 1/4

cello outfit 1/4, laminated with flamed back & sides, ebony fittings, bag and bow


LC-1318 | Leonardo Elementary series cello outfit 1/8 1/8

cello outfit 1/8, laminated with flamed back & sides, ebony fittings, bag and bow


LC-2044 | Leonardo Elementary series cello set 4/4 4/4

cello set 4/4, geheel massief, nitro, ebben toebehoren, inclusief tas en strijkstok


LC-2078 | Leonardo Elementary series cello set 7/8 7/8

cello set 7/8, geheel massief, nitro, ebben toebehoren, inclusief tas en strijkstok


LC-2034 | Leonardo Elementary series cello set 3/4 3/4

cello set 3/4, geheel massief, nitro, ebben toebehoren, inclusief tas en strijkstok


LC-2012 | Leonardo Elementary series cello set 1/2 1/2

cello set 1/2, geheel massief, nitro,ebben toebehoren, inclusief tas en strijkstok


LC-2014 | Leonardo Elementary series cello set 1/4 1/4

cello set 1/4, geheel massief, nitro, ebben toebehoren, inclusief tas en strijkstok


LC-2018 | Leonardo Elementary series cello set 1/8 1/8

cello set 1/8, geheel massief, nitro, ebben toebehoren, inclusief tas en strijkstok


LC-2010 | Leonardo Elementary series cello set 1/10 1/10

cello set 1/10, geheel massief, nitro, ebben toebehoren, inclusief tas en strijkstok


LC-2744-M | Leonardo Student series cello set 4/4 4/4

cello set 4/4, geheel massief, mat nitro, mooi gevlamd, ebben toebehoren, incl. tas en strijkstok


LC-2734-M | Leonardo Student series cello set 3/4 3/4

cello set 3/4, geheel massief, mat nitro, mooi gevlamd, ebben toebehoren, incl. tas en strijkstok


LC-2712-M | Leonardo Student series cello set 1/2 1/2

cello set 1/2, geheel massief, mat nitro, mooi gevlamd, ebben toebehoren incl. tas en strijkstok


RC-1044 | Rudolph Elementary cello 4/4

cello, 4/4, geheel massief, olie lak, ebben toebehoren, gevlamd


RC-1034 | Rudolph Elementary cello 3/4

cello, 3/4, geheel massief, olie lak, ebben toebehoren, gevlamd


RC-1012 | Rudolph Elementary cello 1/2

cello, 1/2, geheel massief, olie lak, ebben toebehoren, gevlamd


RC-1014 | Rudolph Elementary cello 1/4

cello, 1/4, geheel massief, olie lak, ebben toebehoren, gevlamd


RC-1544-A | Rudolph Étude cello 4/4 4/4

cello 4/4, all solid, oil varnish with light brown antique finish, european wood


RC-1578-A | Rudolph Étude cello 7/8 7/8

cello 7/8, all solid, oil varnish with light brown antique finish, european wood


RC-1534-A | Rudolph Étude cello 3/4 3/4

cello 3/4, all solid, oil varnish with light brown antique finish, european wood


RC-1512-A | Rudolph Étude cello 1/2 1/2

cello 1/2, all solid, oil varnish with light brown antique finish, european wood


RC-1514-A | Rudolph Étude cello 1/4 1/4

cello 1/4, all solid, oil varnish with light brown antique finish, european wood


RB-234-G | Rudolph contrabas 3/4 3/4

contrabas 3/4, triplex, spiritus lak, ebben toets, gamba model


RB-212-G | Rudolph contrabas 1/2 1/2

contrabas 1/2, triplex, spiritus lak, ebben toets, gamba model


RB-214-G | Rudolph contrabas 1/4 1/4

contrabas 1/4, triplex, spiritus lak, ebben toets, gamba model


RB-218-G | Rudolph contrabas 1/8 1/8

contrabas 1/8, triplex, spiritus lak, ebben toets, gamba model


RB-634-G | Rudolph contrabas 3/4 3/4

contrabas 3/4, solid top, spirit varnish, ebben toets, gamba model


RB-612-G | Rudolph double bass 1/2 1/2

double bass 1/2, solid top, spirit varnish, ebony fingerboard, gamba model


RB-614-G | Rudolph double bass 1/4 1/4

double bass 1/4, solid top, spirit varnish, ebony fingerboard, gamba model


MB-44-PY | Schneider contrabas 4/4 4/4

contrabas 4/4, triplex, nitro lak, esdoorn toets, inclusief tas en strijkstok


MB-34-PY | Schneider contrabas 3/4 3/4

contrabas 3/4, triplex, nitro lak, esdoorn toets, inclusief tas en strijkstok


MB-12-PY | Schneider contrabas 1/2

contrabas, 1/2, triplex, nitro lak, esdoorn toets, inclusief tas en strijkstok


MB-14-PY | Schneider contrabas 1/4

contrabas, 1/4, triplex, nitro lak, esdoorn toets, inclusief tas en strijkstok


MB-18-PY | Schneider contrabas 1/8

contrabas, 1/8, triplex, nitro lak, esdoorn toets, inclusief tas en strijkstok

3380 producten gevonden, 1 tot 100 weergegeven
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