MA180S |Martin Marquis Silked snarenset akoestisch

EAN13 -43812 729789558082
artikelnummer: MA180S
product id: 43812

snarenset akoestisch, 12-snarig, 80/20 bronze, extra light
010-010 014-014 023-010 030-012 039-018 047-027

If you’re looking for some extra protection for your fine guitar, Authentic Acoustic Silked strings are the right choice for you.
We’ve added a soft silk wrap to the ball ends of our Authentic Acoustic strings to prevent wear and tear on the bridge and bridge plate as you play. Our silk wrap puts a comforting layer of protection in place every time you change your strings. Available in 80/20 Bronze and 92/8 Phosphor Bronze. Martin Authentic Acoustic Marquis® Silked strings offer thread wrapping for bridge protection, corrosion resistance and excellent tuning stability.

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